1.Sergeev V.A., On upslope propagation of an adiabatic normal mode in a wedge-shaped sea, accepted for publication in Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics.
Газпром Нефть
8.Cherkashin D., Voronov V., On the chromatic number of 2-dimensional spheres, Discrete & Computational Geometry 71 (2), 467-479, 2024; preprint (2022).
Газпром Нефть
11.Sultanov O.A., Resonances in asymptotically autonomous systems with a decaying chirped-frequency excitation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 28:3 (2023), 1719–1749; preprint (2021).
РНФ 19-71-30002
15.Улицкая А.Ю., Sharp estimates for the mean-square approximations of convolution classes by shift spaces on the axis, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 64:1 (2023), 157-173.
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Large genus asymptotic geometry of random square-tiled surfaces and of random multicurves; preprint.
34.Gvozdevsky P., Bounded reduction of orthogonal matrices over polynomial rings, Journal of algebra 602 (2022), 300-321; preprint (2021).
Газпром Нефть
35.Gvozdevsky P., Overgroups of subsystem subgroups in exceptional groups: inside a sandwich, Algebra i Analiz 34:4 (2022), 47-73; preprint (2021).
Газпром Нефть
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Counting lattice points in moduli spaces of quadratic differentials, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the ICM 2022.
Korotkin D., Zograf P., Tau function and moduli of meromorphic quadratic differentials, SIGMA 18 (2022), 001; preprint.
42.Sultanov O.A., Long-term behaviour of asymptotically autonomous Hamiltonian systems with multiplicative noise; preprint (2022).
43.Sultanov O.A., Capture into resonance in nonlinear oscillatory systems with decaying perturbations, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 262:3 (2022), 374-389.
Petrov V.A., Semenov A.V., Geometry of symmetric spaces of type EIII, Algebra i Analiz 34:6 (2022), 217-227; preprint (2022).
Газпром Нефть
45.Semenov A.V., BV-structure on Hochschild cohomology for exceptional local algebras of quaternion type. Case of the small parameter, Zap. nauchn. seminarov POMI, 513 (2022), 164-193; preprint (2022).
Газпром Нефть
56.Cherkashin D., Prozorov P., On the minimal sum of edges in a signed edge-dominated graph, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29:3 (2022), P3.38; preprint (2020).
Газпром Нефть
Gordeev A., Teplitskaya Y., On regularity of maximal distance minimizers in Euclidean Space, accepted for publication in Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa; preprint (2022).
68.Tselishchev A.S., Absence of local unconditional structure in spaces of smooth functions on the torus of arbitrary dimension, Studia Mathematica, 261:2 (2021), 207–225.
РНФ 19-71-30002
73.Dmitriy Stolyarov, Vasily Vasyunin, Pavel Zatitskiy, Ilya Zlotnikov, Sharp moment estimates for martingales with uniformly bounded square functions; preprint (2021).
74.Sultanov O.A., Bifurcations in asymptotically autonomous Hamiltonian systems under oscillatory perturbations, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems, 41:12 (2021), 5943-5978; preprint (2020).
РНФ 19-71-30002
75.Gvozdevsky P., Overgroups of subsystem subgroups in exceptional groups: nonideal levels, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 33:6 (2021), 9-48 ; preprint (2021).
Газпром Нефть
77.Dmitriy Stolyarov, On Φ-inequalities for martingale fractional integration and their Bellman functions, accepted for publication in Michigan Mathematical Journal; preprint (2021).
80.Semenov A., Generalov A., BV-structure on Hochschild cohomology for exeptional local algebras of quaternion type. Case of even parameter; preprint (2021).
Газпром Нефть
82.Druzhinin A.E., The naive Milnor-Witt K-theory relations in the stable motivic homotopy groups over a base, accepted for publication in Annals of K-theory.
РНФ 19-71-30002
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Masur-Veech volumes, frequencies of simple closed geodesics and intersection numbers of moduli spaces of curves, Duke Math. J. 170:12 (2021), 2633-2718; preprint.
РНФ 19-71-30002
84.Mnëv N.E., A note on a local combinatorial formula for the Euler class of a PL spherical fiber bundle, accepted for publication in Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI; preprint (2021).
РНФ 19-71-30002
86.Sultanov O.A., Bifurcations in asymptotically autonomous Hamiltonian systems under multiplicative noise, accepted for publication in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; preprint (2021).
РНФ 19-71-30002
93.Tikhomirov S., Bakharev F., Groman A., Kalyuzhnyuk A., Petrova Y., Enin A., Kalinin K., Rastegaev N., Calculation of graded viscosity banks profile on the rear end of the polymer slug, Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2021, RPTC 2021 (2021).
111.Bessonov R.V., Lukić M., Yuditskii P., Reflectionless canonical systems, II. Almost periodicity and character-automorphic Fourier transforms; preprint (2020).
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Enumeration of meanders and Masur-Veech volumes, Forum of Mathematics, Pi, Vol. 8 (2020), e4; preprint.
Aggarwal A., Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Conjectural large genus asymptotics of Masur-Veech volumes and of area Siegel-Veech constants of strata of quadratic differentials, Arnold Math. Journal, 6:2 (2020), 149-161; preprint.
РНФ 19-71-30002
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Uniform Lower Bound for Intersection Numbers of ψ-Classes, SIGMA 16 (2020), 086; preprint.
РНФ 19-71-30002
134.Carina Geldhauser, Enrico Valdinoci, Optimizing the fractional power in a model with stochastic PDE constraints, to appear in Advanced Nonlinear Studies (2019); preprint.
РНФ 14-21-00035
136.Meshkova Yu.M., Homogenization with the corrector for periodic parabolic systems in the $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d)$-norm, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 31:4; preprint.
РНФ 14-21-00035
D. E. Vavilov, S. Eggl, Yu. D. Medvedev, P. B. Zatitskiy, Shape evolution of cometary nuclei via anisotropic mass loss, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 622, February 2019, L5, 1-6.
Lebedeva N., Shin-ichi Ohta, Zolotov V.O., Self-contracted curves in spaces with weak lower curvature bound; preprint (2019).
153.Oleg Alekseev, Formation of viscous fingers in regularized Laplacian growth, to appear in Physical Review E (2019); preprint.
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154.Mnëv N.E., Minimal triangulations of circle bundles, circular permutations and binary Chern cocycle; preprint (2019).
РНФ 19-71-30002
155.Dmitriy Stolyarov, Martingale interpretation of weakly cancelling differential operators, accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Sciences; preprint (2019).
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Rami Ayuosh, Dmitriy Stolyarov, Michal Wojciechowski, Sobolev martingales, accepted for publication in Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana.
Газпром Нефть
158.Cherkashin D., Petrov F., On small n-uniform hypergraphs with positive discrepancy, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 139 (2019), 353-359; preprint (2017).
Balogh J., Cherkashin D., Kiselev S., Coloring general Kneser graphs and hypergraphs via high-discrepancy hypergraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 79 (2019), 228-236; preprint.
160.Andrei Lavrenov, Structure Theorem for the symplectic Steinberg group of Laurent polynomial rings over a local ring, St. Petersburg J. Math. (to appear).
161.Anya Nordskova, Yury Volkov, Faithful actions of braid groups by twists along ADE-configurations of spherical objects; preprint (2019).
162.Gvozdevsky P., Overgroups of Levi subgroups I. The case of abelian unipotent radical, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 31:6 (2019), 79–121; preprint (2019).
M. Casals-Ruiz, I. Kazachkov, A. Zakharov, On commensurability of right-angled Artin groups I: RAAGs defined by trees of diameter 4, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 35:2 (2019), 521-560; preprint.
167.Bessonov R.V., Denisov S., De Branges canonical systems with finite logarithmic integral, accepted for publication in Analysis & PDE; preprint (2019).
РНФ 19-71-30002
Korotkin D., Sauvaget A., Zograf P., Tau functions, Prym-Tyurin classes and loci of degenerate differentials, Mathematische Annalen, 375 (2019), 213-246; preprint.
Takhtajan L.A., Zograf P.G., Local index theorem for orbifold Riemann surfaces, Letters in Mathematical Physics 109 (2019), 1119–1143; preprint.
Generalov A.I., Semenov A.V., Hochschild cohomology of algebras of quaternion type, IV: cohomology algebra for exceptional local algebras, download, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 487, PDMI RAS, St. Petersburg, 2019, pp. 32-78..
Газпром Нефть
188.Anastasia Stavrova, Alexei Stepanov, Normal structure of isotropic reductive groups over rings; preprint (2018).
189.Ilia Nekrasov, Gaiane Panina, Compactifications of M_{0,n} associated with Alexander self-dual complexes: Chow ring, ψ-classes and intersection numbers; preprint (2018).
190.Anton Baranov, Yurii Belov, Synthesizable differentiation-invariant subspaces, to appear in Geometric and Functional Analysis (2018).
РНФ 14-21-00035
196.Andrei Alpeev, Tom Meyerovitch, Sieye Ryu, Predictability, topological entropy and invariant random orders; preprint (2018).
Газпром Нефть
Vershik A.M., Zatitskiy P.B., Combinatorial Invariants of Metric Filtrations and Automorphisms; the Universal Adic Graph, Funct. Anal. Appl., 52:4 (2018), 258–269.
A. M. Vershik, P. B. Zatitskiy, On a universal Borel adic space, Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial methods. Part XXIX, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 468, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2018, 24–38.
199.Zolotov V.O., Sets with small angles in self-contracted curves; preprint (2018).
M. Casals-Ruiz, I. Kazachkov, A. Zakharov, On commensurability of right-angled Artin groups II: RAAGs defined by paths, to appear in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; preprint (2018).
P. V. Silva, A. Zakharov, On finitely generated submonoids of virtually free groups, Groups Complexity Cryptology 10:2 (2018), 63-82; preprint.
J. Delgado, E. Ventura, A. Zakharov, Intersection problem for Droms RAAGs, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 28:7 (2018), 1129-1162; preprint.
Korotyaev E.L., Ryadovkin K.S., Saburova N.Yu., Surface spectra of discrete Laplacians, Days on Diffraction, IEEE, (2018), 182–187.
220.Ilia Nekrasov, Gaiane Panina, Alena Zhukova, Intersection numbers of Chern classes of tautological line bundles on the moduli spaces of flexible polygons; preprint (2017).
Duško Jojić, Ilya Nekrasov, Gaiane Panina, Rade Živaljević, Alexander r-tuples and Bier complexes, to appear in Publications de l’Institut Mathématique, Matematički institute SANU; preprint.
222.Yulia Meshkova, On operator error estimates for homogenization of hyperbolic systems with periodic coefficients; preprint (2017).
Alexander Eckrot, Carina Geldhauser, Jan Jurczyk, The storage location assignment problem in a multi-level warehouse under correlated batched orders; preprint (2017).