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Anastasia K. Stavrova
Anastasia K. Stavrova
Senior Researcher

29 Line 14th (Vasilyevsky Island), 199178 Saint Petersburg, Russia

Reception hours:

Thursday, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm


10.2009 — Ph.D. (C.Sc.) in Mathematics and Physics («Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory»)
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
Thesis title: Structure of Isotropic Reductive Groups
Advisor: N.A. Vavilov

06.2007 — M.Sc. in Mathematics
Institution: University of Leiden (the Netherlands) and University of Padua (Italy)

06.2005 — Specialist Degree in Mathematics
Institution: St. Petersburg State University

Scientific interests

My research deals with the theory of algebraic groups, which is a branch of mathematics closely related to algebraic geometry, group theory and Lie theory. More precisely, I study the structure of isotropic reductive algebraic groups and their connection to non-associative algebras (such as Jordan algebras and structurable algebras) and algebraic K-theory.

Additional Information

  • Laureate of the award «To Young Mathematician» of Saint Petersburg Mathematical Society (2009)
  • Laureate of J.E. Marsden postdoctoral fellowship (2013, Fields Institute, Canada)
  • Awardee of «Young mathematics of Russia» (2016)
  • Laureate of the G. de B. Robinson Award of the Canadian Mathematical Society (2018)


23 Gille P. , Stavrova A., R-equivalence on group schemes and non stable K1-functors; preprint (2021).
21 Anastasia Stavrova, Isotropic reductive groups over discrete Hodge algebras, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 14:2 (2019), 509–524; preprint.
20 Stavrova A.K., A^1-invariance of non-stable K_1-functors in the equicharacteristic case, Indagationes Mathematicae 33:2 (2022), 322-333; preprint (2019).
18 Lien Boelaert, Tom De Medts, Anastasia Stavrova, Moufang sets and structurable division algebras, Memoirs AMS 259 (2019), no. 1245, 90 pp.; preprint.
17 Anastasia Stavrova, On the classification of Kantor pairs and structurable algebras in characteristic 5; preprint (2018).
16 Anastasia Stavrova, Alexei Stepanov, Normal structure of isotropic reductive groups over rings; preprint (2018).
15 Panin I.A., Stavrova A.K., On the Grothendieck-Serre Conjecture Concerning Principal G-Bundles Over Semilocal Dedekind Domains, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 222:4 (2017), 453-462. Translated from Panin I.A., Stavrova A.K., On the Grothendieck-Serre Conjecture Concerning Principal G-Bundles Over Semilocal Dedekind Domains, Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 443 (2016), 133-146.
14 Anastasia Stavrova, Non-stable K1-functors of multiloop groups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 68 (2016), 150-178; preprint.
12 Ivan Panin, Anastasia Stavrova, Nikolai Vavilov, On Grothendieck-Serre’s conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over reductive group schemes: I, Compositio Mathematica, 151:3 (2015), 535-567; preprint.
11 Anastasia Stavrova, Automorphisms of multiloop Lie algebras, in: International Workshop on Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (2015), 531-538.
10 Anastasia Stavrova, Homotopy invariance of non-stable K1-functors, Journal of K-Theory, 13:2 (2014), 199-248; preprint.
9 Kulikova E., Stavrova A., Centralizer of the elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group, Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics, 46:1 (2013), 22-28. Translated from Куликова Е.А., Ставрова А.К., Централизатор элементарной подгруппы в изотропной редуктивной группе, Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 1. Математика. Механика. Астрономия, 1:1 (2013), 34-42; preprint.
8 Anastasia Stavrova, On the congruence kernel of isotropic groups over rings, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 373:7 (2020), 4585-4626; preprint (2013).
7 Luzgarev A.Yu., Stavrova A.K., Elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group is perfect, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 23 (2012), 881-890. Translated from Лузгарев А.Ю., Ставрова А.К., Совершенность элементарной подгруппы изотропной редуктивной группы, Алгебра и анализ, 23:5 (2011), 140-154; preprint.
6 Victor Petrov, Anastasia Stavrova, Tits indices over semilocal rings, Transformation Groups, 16:1 (2011), 193-217; preprint.
5 Victor Petrov, Ivan Panin, Anastasia Stavrova, Grothendieck-Serre conjecture for adjoint groups of type E6 and E7, Oberwolfach Reports 25/2009, 1392-1393.
3 Petrov V., Stavrova A., Elementary subgroups of isotropic reductive groups, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 20 (2009), 625-644. Translated from Петров В.А., Ставрова А.К., Элементарные подгруппы в изотропных редуктивных группах, Алгебра и анализ, 20:4 (2008), 160-188.
2 Vavilov N.A., Stavrova A.K., Basic reductions in the description of normal subgroups, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 151 (2008), 2949-2960. Translated from Вавилов Н.А., Ставрова А.К., Основные редукции в задаче описания нормальных подгрупп, Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 349 (2007), 30-52.
1 Kazakevich V.G., Stavrova A.K., Subgroups normalized by the elementary Levi subgroup, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 134:6 (2006), 2549-2557. Translated from Казакевич В.Г., Ставрова А.К., Подгруппы, нормализуемые коммутантом подгруппы Леви, Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 319 (2004), 199-215.