29 Line 14th (Vasilyevsky Island), 199178 Saint Petersburg, Russia
By appointment
12.2014 — Ph.D. (C.Sc.) in Mathematics and Physics («Real, Complex and Functional Analysis»)
Institution: St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
Thesis title: Differential Operators and Fourier Analysis: Embedding Theorems with Limiting Exponent and Their Applications
Advisor: S.V. Kislyakov
06.2011 — Specialist Degree in Mathematics
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
Harmonic analysis, martingale inequalities, embedding theorems, extremal problems, Banach space theory, extremal combinatorics, spectral theory, convex geometry, additive combinatorics, geometric measure theory, oscillatory integrals.
See http://chebyshev.spbu.ru/dmitriystolyarov. Also see my curriculum vitae (in English).