5.Sergeev V.A., On upslope propagation of an adiabatic normal mode in a wedge-shaped sea, принята к публикации в Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics.
Газпром Нефть
7.Cherkashin D., Voronov V., On the chromatic number of 2-dimensional spheres, Discrete & Computational Geometry 71 (2), 467-479, 2024; preprint (2022).
Газпром Нефть
8.Сергеев В.А., Федотов А.А., О поверхностной волне, возникающей после делокализации квантовой частицы при адиабатической эволюции, принята к публикации в Алгебра и анализ.
15.Sultanov O.A., Resonances in asymptotically autonomous systems with a decaying chirped-frequency excitation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 28:3 (2023), 1719–1749; preprint (2021).
РНФ 19-71-30002
18.Алексеев О.В., Многоточечные вероятности прохождения и функции Грина для SLE_8/3, принята к публикации в Теоретическая математика и физика.
РНФ 19-71-30002
19.Улицкая А.Ю., Точные оценки среднеквадратичных приближений классов свёрток пространствами сдвигов на оси, Сибирский математический журнал, 64:1 (2023), 184-203.
38.Cherkashin D., Prozorov P., On the minimal sum of edges in a signed edge-dominated graph, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29:3 (2022), P3.38; preprint (2020).
Газпром Нефть
Gordeev A., Teplitskaya Y., On regularity of maximal distance minimizers in Euclidean Space, принята к публикации в Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa; preprint (2022).
Газпром Нефть
52.Semenov A.V., BV-structure on Hochschild cohomology for exceptional local algebras of quaternion type. Case of the small parameter, Записки научн. семинаров ПОМИ, 513 (2022), 164-193; preprint (2022).
Газпром Нефть
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Counting lattice points in moduli spaces of quadratic differentials, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the ICM 2022.
РНФ 19-71-30002
Korotkin D., Zograf P., Tau function and moduli of meromorphic quadratic differentials, SIGMA 18 (2022), 001; preprint.
57.Sultanov O.A., Long-term behaviour of asymptotically autonomous Hamiltonian systems with multiplicative noise; preprint (2022).
58.Султанов О.А., Захват в резонанс в нелинейных осциллирующих системах с затухающими возмущениями, Проблемы математического анализа, 115 (2022), 127-140.
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Large genus asymptotic geometry of random square-tiled surfaces and of random multicurves; preprint.
69.Gvozdevsky P., Bounded reduction of orthogonal matrices over polynomial rings, Journal of algebra 602 (2022), 300-321; preprint (2021).
Газпром Нефть
70.Гвоздевский П. Б., Надгруппы подсистемных подгрупп в исключительных группах: внутри сэндвича, Алгебра и Анализ 34:4 (2022), 47-73; препринт (2021).
Газпром Нефть
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Masur-Veech volumes, frequencies of simple closed geodesics and intersection numbers of moduli spaces of curves, Duke Math. J. 170:12 (2021), 2633-2718; preprint.
РНФ 19-71-30002
83.Tselishchev A.S., Absence of local unconditional structure in spaces of smooth functions on the torus of arbitrary dimension, Studia Mathematica, 261:2 (2021), 207–225.
РНФ 19-71-30002
85.Dmitriy Stolyarov, Vasily Vasyunin, Pavel Zatitskiy, Ilya Zlotnikov, Sharp moment estimates for martingales with uniformly bounded square functions; preprint (2021).
87.Гвоздевский П. Б., Надгруппы подсистемных подгрупп в исключительных группах: неидеальные уровни, Алгебра и Анализ, 33:6 (2021), 9-48 ; препринт (2021).
Газпром Нефть
88.Dmitriy Stolyarov, On Φ-inequalities for martingale fractional integration and their Bellman functions, принята к публикации в Michigan Mathematical Journal; preprint (2021).
89.Sultanov O.A., Bifurcations in asymptotically autonomous Hamiltonian systems under multiplicative noise, accepted for publication in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; preprint (2021).
РНФ 19-71-30002
93.Рядовкин К.С., О периодическом ветвящемся случайном блуждании на Z^d c бесконечной дисперсией скачков, принята к публикации в Теория вероятностей и ее применения.
Газпром Нефть
97.Semenov A., Generalov A., BV-structure on Hochschild cohomology for exeptional local algebras of quaternion type. Case of even parameter; preprint (2021).
Газпром Нефть
98.Mnëv N.E., A note on a local combinatorial formula for the Euler class of a PL spherical fiber bundle, принята к публикации в Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ; preprint (2021).
РНФ 19-71-30002
99.Druzhinin A.E., The naive Milnor-Witt K-theory relations in the stable motivic homotopy groups over a base, принята к публикации в Annals of K-theory.
РНФ 19-71-30002
101.Tikhomirov S., Bakharev F., Groman A., Kalyuzhnyuk A., Petrova Y., Enin A., Kalinin K., Rastegaev N., Calculation of graded viscosity banks profile on the rear end of the polymer slug, Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2021, RPTC 2021 (2021).
120.Sinchuk S.S., Parametrized symmetric groups and the second homology of a group, Алгебра и анализ, 32:6 (2020), 137–164; preprint (2017).
РНФ 19-71-30002
144.Dmitriy Stolyarov, Hardy—Littlewood—Sobolev inequality for p=1, принята к публикации в Математический сборник; preprint (2020).
Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Uniform Lower Bound for Intersection Numbers of ψ-Classes, SIGMA 16 (2020), 086; preprint (2020).
РНФ 19-71-30002
Aggarwal A., Delecroix V., Goujard E., Zograf P., Zorich A., Conjectural large genus asymptotics of Masur-Veech volumes and of area Siegel-Veech constants of strata of quadratic differentials, Arnold Math. Journal, 6:2 (2020), 149-161; preprint.
РНФ 19-71-30002
Evgeny Abakumov, Anton Baranov , Stéphane Charpentier, Andrei Lishanskii, New classes of hypercyclic Toeplitz operators, принята к публикации в Bulletin des sciences mathématiques; preprint (2020).
РНФ 19-71-30002
157.Andrei Lavrenov , Victor Petrov, Nikita Semenov, Morava K-theory of orthogonal groups and motives of projective quadrics; preprint (2020).
Газпром Нефть
159.Bessonov R.V., Lukić M., Yuditskii P., Reflectionless canonical systems, II. Almost periodicity and character-automorphic Fourier transforms; preprint (2020).
Lien Boelaert, Tom De Medts, Anastasia Stavrova, Moufang sets and structurable division algebras, Memoirs AMS 259 (2019), no. 1245, 90 pp.; preprint.
РНФ 14-21-00035
168.Cherkashin D., Petrov F., On small n-uniform hypergraphs with positive discrepancy, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 139 (2019), 353-359; preprint (2017).
169.Carina Geldhauser, Enrico Valdinoci, Optimizing the fractional power in a model with stochastic PDE constraints, to appear in Advanced Nonlinear Studies (2019); preprint.
РНФ 14-21-00035
Freiberg U.R., Rastegaev N.V., On spectral asymptotics of the Sturm-Liouville problem with self-conformal singular weight with strong bounded distortion property, принято к печати в Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ (2018).
РНФ 14-21-00035
D. E. Vavilov, S. Eggl, Yu. D. Medvedev, P. B. Zatitskiy, Shape evolution of cometary nuclei via anisotropic mass loss, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 622, February 2019, L5, 1-6.
Balogh J., Cherkashin D., Kiselev S., Coloring general Kneser graphs and hypergraphs via high-discrepancy hypergraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 79 (2019), 228-236; preprint.
Kislyakov S.V., Zlotnikov I.K., Interpolation for intersections of Hardy-type spaces, принята к публикации в Israel Journal of Mathematics; preprint (2019).
180.Andrei Alpeev, Entropy inequalities and exponential decay of correlations for unique Gibbs measures on trees; preprint (2019).
Газпром Нефть
181.Платонова М. В., Рядовкин К. С., Ветвящиеся случайные блуждания на $Z^d$ с периодически расположенными источниками ветвления, Теория вероятностей и ее применения, 64:2 (2019), 283–307.
182.Петрова Ю.П., L_2-small ball asymptotics for a family of finite-dimensional perturbations of Gaussian functions; preprint (2019).
188.Mnëv N.E., Minimal triangulations of circle bundles, circular permutations and binary Chern cocycle; preprint (2019).
РНФ 19-71-30002
Generalov A.I., Semenov A.V., Hochschild cohomology of algebras of quaternion type, IV: cohomology algebra for exceptional local algebras, download, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 487, PDMI RAS, St. Petersburg, 2019, pp. 32-78..
Газпром Нефть
191.Andrei Lavrenov, Structure Theorem for the symplectic Steinberg group of Laurent polynomial rings over a local ring, St. Petersburg J. Math. (to appear).
M. Casals-Ruiz, I. Kazachkov, A. Zakharov, On commensurability of right-angled Artin groups I: RAAGs defined by trees of diameter 4, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 35:2 (2019), 521-560; preprint.
197.Bessonov R.V., Denisov S., De Branges canonical systems with finite logarithmic integral, accepted for publication in Analysis & PDE; preprint (2019).
РНФ 19-71-30002
208. A. Baranov, R. Zarouf, H^\infty interpolation and embedding theorems for rational functions, Integral Equations Operator Theory 91 (2019), no. 3, Art. 18, 19 pp.; preprint (2019).
РНФ 14-41-00010
235.Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, Leibniz rule on higher pages of unstable spectral sequences, published online in Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society; preprint.
264.Ilia Nekrasov, Gaiane Panina, Compactifications of M_{0,n} associated with Alexander self-dual complexes: Chow ring, ψ-classes and intersection numbers; preprint (2018).
269.Платонова М.В., Цыкин С.В., Вероятностный подход к решению задачи Коши для уравнения Шрёдингера с оператором дробного дифференцирования порядка \alpha\in\bigcup\limits_{m=3}^{\infty}(m-1,m), Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 474 (2018), 199–212.
РНФ 14-21-00035
Rami Ayoush, Dmitriy Stolyarov, Michal Wojciechowski, Martingale approach to Sobolev embedding theorems, принята к публикации в Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana; preprint (2018).
272.Andrei Alpeev, Tom Meyerovitch, Sieye Ryu, Predictability, topological entropy and invariant random orders, принята к публикации в Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; preprint (2018).
Газпром Нефть
Вершик А. М., Затицкий П.Б., Комбинаторные инварианты метрических фильтраций и автоморфизмов; универсальный адический граф, Функц. анализ и его прил., 52:4 (2018), 23–37.
M. Casals-Ruiz, I. Kazachkov, A. Zakharov, On commensurability of right-angled Artin groups II: RAAGs defined by paths, to appear in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; preprint (2018).
P. V. Silva, A. Zakharov, On finitely generated submonoids of virtually free groups, Groups Complexity Cryptology 10:2 (2018), 63-82; preprint.
J. Delgado, E. Ventura, A. Zakharov, Intersection problem for Droms RAAGs, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 28:7 (2018), 1129-1162; preprint.
Korotyaev E.L., Ryadovkin K.S., Saburova N.Yu., Surface spectra of discrete Laplacians, Days on Diffraction, IEEE, (2018), 182–187.
283.Рядовкин К. С., Асимптотическое поведение ветвящихся случайных блужданий на некоторых двумерных решетках, Зап. научн. семин. ПОМИ. – 2018, т. 474, с. 213–221.
Antti Kemppainen , Stanislav Smirnov, Configurations of FK Ising interfaces and hypergeometric SLE, Math. Res. Lett. 25 (2018), no. 3, 875–889.; preprint.
Alexander Eckrot, Carina Geldhauser, Jan Jurczyk, The storage location assignment problem in a multi-level warehouse under correlated batched orders; preprint (2017).
300.Oleg Alekseev, Quantized Laplacian growth, I: Statistical theory of Laplacian growth; preprint (2017).
306.Ilia Nekrasov, Gaiane Panina, Alena Zhukova, Intersection numbers of Chern classes of tautological line bundles on the moduli spaces of flexible polygons; preprint (2017).
Duško Jojić, Ilya Nekrasov, Gaiane Panina, Rade Živaljević, Alexander r-tuples and Bier complexes, to appear in Publications de l’Institut Mathématique, Matematički institute SANU; preprint.
Mikhail V. Bondarko, Vladimir A. Sosnilo, On constructing weight structures and extending them to idempotent extensions, to appear in Homology, Homotopy and Applications; preprint.
Mikhail V. Bondarko, Vladimir A. Sosnilo, On purely generated α-smashing weight structures and weight-exact localizations; preprint (2017).
Elden Elmanto , Marc Hoyois, Adeel A. Khan, Vladimir Sosnilo, Maria Yakerson, Motivic infinite loop spaces; preprint (2017).
311.Vladimir Sosnilo, Theorem of the heart in negative K-theory for weight structures; preprint (2017).
312.Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Dimension quotients, Fox subgroups and limits of functors; preprint (2017).
Emmanuel D. Farjoun, Roman Mikhailov, On the third homotopy group of Orr’s space, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology; preprint.
326.Yulia Meshkova, On operator error estimates for homogenization of hyperbolic systems with periodic coefficients, принята к публикации в Journal of Spectral Theory; preprint (2017).
343.Yulia Meshkova, Tatiana Suslina, Homogenization of the Dirichlet problem for elliptic systems. Two-parametric error estimates; preprint (2017).
Газпром Нефть
Vincent Delecroix, Elise Goujard, Peter Zograf, Anton Zorich, Square-tiled surfaces of fixed combinatorial type: equidistribution, counting, volumes of the ambient strata; preprint (2016).
Frederick R. Cohen, Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, A combinatorial approach to the exponents of Moore spaces, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift; preprint.
390.Anton Baranov, Yurii Belov, Spectral synthesis in Hilbert spaces of entire functions, to appear in Proceedings of 7 European Congress of Mathematics (Berlin, July 18-22)..
490.A. Zakharov, On the rank of the intersection of free subgroups in virtually free groups, Journal of Algebra 418 (2014), 29-43; preprint.
491.Рядовкин К. С., Филонов Н. Д., О множестве нулей преобразования Фурье характеристической функции симметричной выпуклой области, Проблемы математического анализа. – 2014, т. 75. с. 81–92..
495.А. О. Захаров, Оценка ранга пересечения подгрупп в свободном произведении двух групп с объединенной нормальной конечной подгруппой, Математический Сборник 204:2 (2013), 73–86; препринт.
518.Anton Baranov, Yurii Belov, Alexander Borichev, Dmitry Yakubovich, Recent developments in spectral synthesis for exponential systems and for non-self-adjoint operators, Recent Trends in Analysis, Proceedings of the conference in honor of Nikolai Nikolski, Theta Foundation, Bucharest, 2013; preprint.
Dmitry Korotkin, Peter Zograf, From the tau function of Painlevé P6 equation to moduli spaces, Painlevé equations and related topics, De Gruyter, 241-245, 2012.