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Egor Voronetsky
Egor Voronetsky

Scientific interests

  • unitary groups
  • unitary K-Theory
  • reductive group schemes

Additional Information


19 Voronetsky E.Yu., Locally isotropic Steinberg groups I. Centrality of the K_2-functor; preprint (2024).
18 Voronetsky E.Yu., Root graded groups revisited, European Journal of Mathematics, 10:50 (2024); preprint (2024).
17 Voronetsky E.Y., Locally isotropic elementary groups; preprint (2023).
16 Voronetsky E.Y., Groups with BC_ℓ-commutator relations; preprint (2023).
15 Voronetsky E.Y., Cosheaves of Steinberg pro-groups; preprint (2023).
14 Voronetsky E.Y., A presentation of relative unitary Steinberg groups, Algebra i Analiz, 35:6 (2023), 45-86; preprint (2022).
13 Voronetsky E.Y., Actions of pro-groups and pro-rings; preprint (2022).
12 Voronetsky E.Y., Groups with A_l-commutator relations, Algebra i Analiz, 35:3 (2023), 1–16; preprint (2022).
11 Lavrenov A.V., Sinchuk S.S., Voronetsky E.Y., On the A1-invariance of K_2 modeled on linear and even orthogonal groups, International Mathematics Research Notices, rnac320 (2022); preprint (2021).
8 Voronetsky E.Y., Centrality of K_2-functor revisited, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 225, Issue 4 (2021); preprint (2020).
7 Voronetsky E.Y., Centrality of odd unitary K2-functor; preprint (2020).
6 Voronetsky E.Y., Twisted forms of classical groups, Algebra i Analiz, 34:2 (2022), 56–94; preprint (2020).
4 Voronetsky E.Y., Injective stability for odd unitary K_1, Journal of Group Theory, 23:5 (2020); preprint (2019).
2 Voronetsky E.Y., Normalizers of Elementary Overgroups of Ep(2, A), Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 232:5 (2018), 610-621.
1 Voronetsky E.Y., Normality of the Elementary Subgroup in Sp(2, A), Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 222:4 (2017), 386-393.