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Михайлов Роман Валерьевич
Михайлов Роман Валерьевич
Ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории САП


06.2010 д.ф.-м.н., специальность «математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел» (01.01.06)
Место защиты: МИ РАН
Название диссертации: «Гомотопическая теория нормальных рядов в группах»

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  • теория гомотопий
  • теория групп
  • гомологическая и гомотопическая алгебра

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Видеозаписи лекций:


63 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, On lengths of HZ-localization towers, to appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics (2018); preprint.
62 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, On discrete homology of a free pro-p-group, to appear in Compositio Mathematica; preprint.
61 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, Leibniz rule on higher pages of unstable spectral sequences, published online in Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society; preprint.
60 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Dimension quotients, Fox subgroups and limits of functors; preprint (2017).
59 Emmanuel D. Farjoun, Roman Mikhailov, On the third homotopy group of Orr’s space, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology; preprint.
58 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, A finite Q-bad space; preprint (2017).
56 Gilbert Baumslag, Roman Mikhailov, Kent Orr, Localization, metabelian groups and Isomorphism Problem, Transactions of the AMS, 369 (2017), 6823-6852 ; preprint.
54 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Narain Gupta’s three normal subgroup problem and group homology; preprint (2016).
53 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Free group rings and derived functors; preprint (2016).
50 Valery Bardakov, Roman Mikhailov, Vladimir Vershinin, Jie Wu, On the pure virtual braid group PV_3, Commutative algebra, 44:3 (2016), 1350-1378; preprint.
49 Lawrence Breen, Roman Mikhailov, Antoine Touze, Derived functors of the divided power functors, Geometry and Topology, 20 (2016), 257-352; preprint.
48 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, The subgroup determined by a certain ideal in a free group ring, Journal of Algebra, 449 (2016), 400-407; preprint.
47 Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, On the metastable homotopy of mod 2 Moore spaces, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 16:3 (2016), 1773-1797; preprint.
46 Frederick R. Cohen, Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, A combinatorial approach to the exponents of Moore spaces, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift; preprint.
45 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, On nontriviality of certain homotopy groups of spheres, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 18:2 (2016), 337-344; preprint.
44 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Generalized dimension subgroups and derived functors, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220:6 (2016), 2143-2163; preprint.
43 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, On a problem of Bousfield for metabelian groups, Advances in Mathematics, 290 (2016), 552-589; preprint.
42 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, A higher limit approach to homology theories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219 (2015), 1915-­1939 ; preprint.
41 Roman Mikhailov, Kent Orr, Group localization and two problems of Levine, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 280 (2015), 355-366; preprint.
40 Aurelien Djament, , Wilberd van der Kallen, Roman Mikhailov, Antoine Touze, Polynomial functors and homotopy theory, Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 311.
39 Михайлов Р.В., Гомотопические и комбинаторные аспекты теории нормальных рядов в группах, Современные проблемы математики, 18 (2014). English translation: Homotopical and combinatorial aspects of the theory of normal series in groups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 286 (2014), 1-135.
38 Sergei O. Ivanov, Roman Mikhailov, On zero-divisors in group rings of groups with torsion, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 57:2 (2014), 326-334; preprint.
37 Gilbert Baumslag, Roman Mikhailov, Residual properties of groups defined by basic commutators, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 8:3 (2014), 621-642; preprint.
36 Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, Combinatorial group theory and the homotopy groups of finite complexes, Geometry and Topology, 17 (2013), 235-272.
35 Ву Дж., Михайлов Р.В., Гомотопические группы как центры конечно представленных групп, Известия РАН. Серия математическая, 77:3 (2013), 149-162. English translation: Jie Wu, Roman V. Mikhailov, Homotopy groups as centres of finitely presented groups, Izvestiya: Mathematics, 77:3 (2013), 581-593; препринт.
33 Gilbert Baumslag, Roman Mikhailov, Kent E. Orr, A new look at finitely generated metabelian groups, Contemporary Mathematics: Combinatorial and Computational Group Theory with Cryptography, 582 (2012), 21-37; preprint.
32 Valery G. Bardakov, Roman Mikhailov, Vladimir V. Vershinin, Jie Wu, Brunnian braids on surfaces, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 12 (2012), 1607-1648; preprint.
31 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Jie Wu, Symmetric ideals in group rings and simplicial homotopy, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 215:5 (2011), 1085-1092; preprint.
30 Lawrence Breen, Roman Mikhailov, Derived functors of non-additive functors and homotopy theory, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 11 (2011) 327-415; preprint.
29 Roman Mikhailov, Jie Wu, On homotopy groups of the suspended classifying spaces, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 10 (2010), 565-625; preprint.
28 Roman Mikhailov, On the homology of the dual de Rham complex; preprint (2010).
27 Graham Ellis, Roman Mikhailov, A colimit of classifying spaces, Advances in Mathematics, 223:6 (2010), 2097-2113; preprint.
26 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Limits over categories of extensions, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 41:1 (2010), 113-131; preprint.
25 Alexey Belov, Roman Mikhailov, Free subalgebras of Lie algebras close to nilpotent, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 4 (2010), 15-29; preprint.
24 Hans-Joachim Baues, Roman Mikhailov, Homotopy types of reduced 2-nilpotent simplicial groups, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 40 (2009), 35-80; preprint.
23 Hartl M., Mikhailov R., Passi I.B.S., Dimension quotients, Journal of Indian Mathematical Society (2009), 63-107; preprint.
22 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Lower central and dimension series of groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1952 (2008), Springer, 354p.
21 Ioannis Emmanouil, Roman Mikhailov, A limit approach to group homology, Journal of Algebra, 319:4 (2008), 1450-1461; preprint.
20 Valeriy G. Bardakov, Roman Mikhailov, On certain questions of the free group automorphism theory, Communications in Algebra, 36:4 (2008), 1489-1499; preprint.
19 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Residually nilpotent groups, L'Enseignement Mathematique, 54 (2008), 145-146.
18 Valery G. Bardakov, Roman Mikhailov, Vladimir V. Vershinin, Jie Wu, Homotopy theory and group theory, Oberwolfach Reports (2008).
17 Hans-Joachim Baues, Roman Mikhailov, Intersection of subgroups in free groups and homotopy groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computations, 18 (2008), 803-823; preprint.
16 Михайлов Р.В., Асферичность и аппроксимационные свойства скрещенных модулей, Математический сборник, 198:4 (2007), 79-94. English translation: Mikhailov R.V., Asphericity and approximation properties of crossed modules, Sbornik: Mathematics, 198:4 (2007), 79-94.
15 Бардаков В.Г., Михайлов Р.В. , Об аппроксимационных свойствах групп зацеплений, Сибирский математический журнал, 48:3 (2007), 485-495. English translation: Bardakov V.G., Mikhailov R.V., On the residual properties of link groups, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 48:3 (2007), 387-394.
14 Михайлов Р.В., Инварианты Бэра и нильпотентная аппроксимируемость групп, Известия РАН. Серия математическая, 71:2 (2007), 151-172. English translation: Mikhailov R.V., Baer invariants and residual nilpotence of groups, Izvestiya: Mathematics, 71:2 (2007), 151-172.
13 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Homology of centralizers, Communications in Algebra, 35:7 (2007), 2191-2207.
12 Михайлов Р.В., Точные действия групп и асферичные комплексы, Труды МИАН, 252 (2006), 184-193. English translation: Mikhailov R.V., Faithful group actions and aspherical complexes, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 252:1 (2006), 172-181.
11 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Faithfulness of certain modules and residual nilpotence of groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 16:3 (2006), 525-540.
10 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, The quasi-variety of groups with trivial fourth dimension subgroup, Journal of Group Theory, 9:3 (2006), 369-381.
9 Roman Mikhailov, On residual nilpotence of projective crossed modules, Communications in Algebra, 34:4 (2006), 1451-1458.
8 Михайлов Р.В., О нильпотентной и разрешимой аппроксимируемости групп, Математический сборник, 196:11 (2005), 109-126. English translation: Mikhailov R.V., Residual nilpotence and residual solubility of groups, Sbornik: Mathematics, 196:11 (2005), 1659-1675.
7 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, A transfinite filtration of Schur multiplicator, International Journal of Algebra and Computations, 15:5-6 (2005), 1061-1073.
6 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Higher traces on group rings, Communications in Algebra, 33:4 (2005), 987-997.
5 Roman Mikhailov, Inder Bir S. Passi, Augmentation powers and group homology, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 192:1-3 (2004), 225-238.
4 Михайлов Р.В., О невидимых подгруппах, Успехи математический наук, 57:6 (2002), 187-188. English translation: Mikhailov R.V., On invisible subgroups, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 57:6 (2002), 1232-1233.
3 Михайлов Р.В., Трансфинитные нижние центральные ряды групп: парасвободные свойства и топологические приложения, Труды МИАН, 239 (2002), 251-267. English translation: Mikhailov R.V., Transfinite lower central series of groups: parafree properties and topological applications, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 239 (2002), 236-252.
2 Sergey A. Melikhov, Roman V. Mikhailov, n-Quasi-isotopy: III. Engel conditions; preprint (2002).
1 Мелихов С.А., Михайлов Р.В., Зацепления по модулю узлов и Проблема изотопической реализации, Успехи математических наук, 56:2 (2001), 219-220. English translation: Melikhov S.A., Mikhailov R.V., Links modulo knots and the isotopic realization problem, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 56:2 (2001), 414-415.