Четверг, 22 сентября, 17:15
ауд. 201, 14 линия В.О., 29 + Zoom ID 812-916-426
Павел Борисович Вигман
(Лаборатория «Вероятностные методы в анализе» СПбГУ, University of Chicago)
We discuss an ensemble of particles with logarithmic repulsive interaction (the Coulomb gas) on a (smooth) closed contour, a deformation of the Dyson-Selberg integrals. In the limit of the large number of particles the equilibrium density converges to the harmonic measure of the curve (the Fekete points) and the partition function converges to the spectral determinant of the Neumann jump operator of the contour, or equivalently to the Fredholm determinant of the Neumann–Poincare (the double layer) operator. These results suggest that the deformed Dyson-Selberg integrals utilize the finite dimensional approximation of the complex geometry.
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